How Plan Meals for Couples: Diet Plan Ideas

How Plan Meals for Couples: Diet Plan Ideas

Food for love!

We know the moment when two palates come together within our romantic relationships, and then we tend to develop new mini-food habits and eat slightly differently than we would on our own. 1

Is eating meals together a part of the good recipe for a happy relationship? Do couples who eat a meal together have better quality relationships? Yes! According to the research by Marriage Foundation.

Research has shown that married couples who eat together are more likely to report maximum happiness in their relationship. Couples who eat together are 19% more likely to enjoy their meal.

Source: Marriage Foundation. Based on analysis of the UK Time Use Survey, 2014-15.

Seven tips on how to do a meal plan for couple

1. Communication

Keep communication open between you and your partner. Talk openly about how diet habits may affect your relationship, and create compromises.

2. BMI (Body Mass Index)

Is a value derived from the mass (weight) and height of a person. It's a good way to gauge whether your weight is in healthy proportion to your height.

3. Nutritional requirements

This means the amount of each nutrient needed in the human body including how much protein, kcal, fibre, and fat daily you both need. In the UK, we have a set of Dietary Reference Values (DRVs), which are an estimate of the nutritional requirements of a healthy population. You can talk to a registered dietitian or find an online calculator for calorie recommendations based on gender, age, size, and exercise habits.

4. Save time

Make a master list of meals to choose from. Remember to recycle this list and adjust accordingly every month. Save time and have more time to relax. 

5. Respect each other’s food habits

Don’t make your partner feel guilty for not wanting the same meal as you. Remember food is about more than just food on a plate. It’s also about related to memories, culture, family, health, and so many other things. Now is the time to know each other better! By meal planning, you create opportunities for you and your partner to learn more about each other and have fun.

6. Meal planning together

Start as part of a fun game. It could be a real quality romantic time for both of you by turning on your favourite playlist and opening a bottle of wine and then starting meal planning. Start chatting about your plans for the week first. And then plan to do the cooking part together, too. If possible do grocery shopping together. Do you want to cook in the first week? Why not be a volunteer for the first week and then swap in the following week?

7. Experiment with your partner

Don't be afraid to create new recipes! That will keep the meal planning discussion from getting stale and will keep the process interesting and fascinating so that you’ll actually look forward to it. It's easier than you think! Sign up for any and all of our newsletters and read our Lifestyle blog, You’ll get tons of great recipe ideas.

So, if you want a happy relationship and want to enjoy your meals more, then eat together as a couple and put that phone down!

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Remember that the information in this article is not a diet or education tailored individually, so if you have any health problems or your diet is more demanding, use the option of individual dietary cooperation or contact your doctor before using it.

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